Smartie links
- Download site for plugins [Site run by LIMBO]
- Our project page
- Our forums
- Our SourceForge Bug database
- Our SourceForge Feature Request database
- Our SourceForge screen shot page
- Web interface to source code. (You can also use CVS to get the source directly).
- Donations to the LCD Smartie project
LCD companies


Matrix Orbital

- PalmOrb - turn your PalmOS device into another LCD!
- How-stuff-works about LCDs - How does an LCD actually work?
- Qstat - This is used to get the game stats.
Other LCD Software
If LCD Smartie does not support your display, then create a feature request and then try one of these until it's implemented!
- LCDC: Windows. Shareware. Actively maintained.
- LCDproc: Linux. Open-source.
- LCD4Linux: Linux. Free, open-source.
- jaLCDs: Windows. Freeware.
- LCDHype: Windows. Freeware.
- LcdStudio: Windows. Freeware.
- LcdInfo: Windows. Freeware.
- LCD Plugin: Windows/Winamp. Freeware.
- CrystalControl: Windows. Freeware.
Other sources of links for lcd software: