LCD Smartie

Screen shots

Here you can see version 5.1, it shows the main form, with the scroll buttons and the setup buttons

Here again, in 4x20 format.

And here the setup form, you can see how simple u can configurate your LCD

This is the event setup. Here you can configure your events like buttons and timers.


a 2x16 LCD from Crystalfontz

a 2x16 LCD from Crystalfontz

a 4x20 LCD from Crystalfontz

A 4x20 LCD with a HD44780 controller

a 4x20 LCD with a HD44780 controller

a 4x20 LCD with a HD44780 controller

a 4x40 LCD from Matrix-Orbital

a 4x40 LCD from Matrix-Orbital

a 4x40 LCD from Matrix-Orbital

a 4x40 LCD from Matrix-Orbital

a 4x40 LCD from Matrix-Orbital

a 4x40 LCD from Matrix-Orbital

a 4x40 LCD from Matrix-Orbital

a 4x40 LCD from Matrix-Orbital

a 2x20 parallel send by a user

a 4x20 LCD from spain

nice VFD shot1 (4x20)

nice VFD shot2 (4x20)

nice VFD shot3 (4x20)

nice VFD shot4 (4x20) Logo
Last change: $Author: clansley $ $Date: 2004/12/28 01:26:42 $ $Revision: 1.6 $
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