New releases mailing list
If you want to be informed when a new release of LCD Smartie is
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Latest official release
The latest offical release is 5.4 (dated 18 March 2007). Download. [Release Notes] [source code pending]
[ All releases ]
Latest beta release
The latest beta is: (dated 8 Jun 2011).. This release has few bug fixes and more interface impoovements. Download. [Release Notes Are Currently not available]
Display Drivers - these have been made since the last official release of LCD Smartie
These display plugins will only work on Smartie 5.4 and above. The drivers are zipped versions of the display DLL. These drivers should be copied into the displays folder, and when Smartie is restarted, the drivers will become available in the setup screen.
If you have problems using the display drivers please go to the LCD Smartie forum for help.
- L.I.S VFD display driver. May work for other VL System products.
Official plugins - made by the Smartie team
Some of these plugins will only work on Smartie 5.3 and above.
If you have problems using the plugins please read this thread.
Broken link? report it here
- Perf Plugin: bar-graphing of cpu-load (and others) over time.
- Big Num Plugin: Display large (2 or 4 line high) numbers (eg. big clock!)
- Menu Plugin: Create your own menus.
- Winamp spectrum analyzer: Display spectrum analyzer graphs!
- SpeedFan Plugin: Display fan speeds, and readings from temp/volt sensors.
- ATITool Plugin: Display stats from ATITool.
- Theatertek Plugin: Display stats from Theatertek DVD Player.
- WMPBlog Plugin: Display stats from Windows Media Player.
Other plugins (note: there are more plugin available for download in our forums)
Interfacing plugins
The following plugins provide LCD Smartie with data from other programs
- Process Lister / Checker by erlis: Displays a list of your system proccesses, it can be used for checking if a specific application is running. More info here.
- Winamp volume by hejmowski: Gives the level of winamp volume. More info here.
- I-Tunes2 by erlis: Get info from the famus I-tunes player. More info here.
- System volume by erlis: Returns the volume level of the system! More info here.
- Windows Media Center Edition by masb: Get info from Windows XP Media Center Edition.
- Nvidia Temperature by caesar: Get the temps shown by nvidia drivers on the properties tab.
- Windows Media Player by Jumpin' Jon: Reads the Album, Artist, Title and Duration information for the track currently playing in Windows Media Player
- BS Player by swimm3r: Integrates to BS Player.
- Velleman I/O Board Buttons by penjuin: Helps to use the buttons on the velleman usb i/o board.
- TeamSpeak by vesa.
- MSN Messenger by IFR.
- Sage TV by Anders Nolberger. Plugin and source provided!
- Meedio by Harald Wagner. The Smartie plugin is part of his add-in for Meedio.
- iTunes by Gareth Price
- Beyond TV by Kevin Worrel
- GameEx by tspeirs: GameEx Front-End and HTPC software.
- ATI Tray Tools by Ray Adams.
- CountDown by Dunner: Count down to a date.
- RegistryReader by AlexV: read values from the registry.
- Maxim by Limbo: Reads lines from an ini file and display them to LCD. The original Idea was to provide something like "tip of the day".
- DayTip by Limbo: displays different messages each day to LCD Screen. (all messages stored into an ini file).
- Enallax updated by Limbo: It changes between two values in a given time (function id). This is very useful when you want to use one screen steady in LCD Smartie and you want to change just one line!
- EvilLyrics by UTerror: displays lyrics from EvilLyrics.
- Zoom Player by ?? (if you know the author contact LCD Smartie Team) : display messages from zoom player.
- JRMC (J. River Media Center) by RedDom.
Utility plugins
- Picture by nsa666666: Displays a picture (bmp, jpg, gif or animated gif ) to your display!
- Tiny Bar by Limbo: Makes a tiny vertical proccess bar using only one character placeholder.
- Big Text by nsa666666: Makes a four line text appear in your screen!
- Word Time by Rafael: Gives any international timeby selecting a time zone! More info here.
- Netstuff by Philg: Reads values from SNMP enabled devices, pings an internet/network host and gets the response time.
- Yahoo Weather Report by Christopher Hill: Displays weather information using the yahoo weather channel.
- Vertical Scroll by nsa666666: Scrolls the lines from the bottom to upper line of your display. More info here.
- Wan IP by vcorp: Returns the wide area network IP.
- FX by Limbo: Adds a typing effect to your screen.
- Web Service by guinness: Allows web services to be consumed from within LCD Smartie.
- Web Text by krisp: Reads a text file from the internet.
- Swap Scroll If by krisp: Swap screens, scroll text, if statement. More info here
- Blog lines by Jumpin' Jon: Connects to the Bloglines online feed reader service and checks whether you have any unread items.
- Custom Char Editor by IFR: not a plugin but a useful tool for editing custom characters!
- Split Title updated by Limbo: For breaking the winamp track title (or any other string) into substrings (artist, etc)
- Warn If by Limbo: Displays a message when a condition is true.
- Ping by Penjuin: Pings and returns true or false.
- Regular Expressions by Reverse Engineered: Use regular expressions within your lines.More info here.
- Search And Replace by Limbo: Replace any returned string with another. Useful to replace characters with custom ones and remove unneed parts of text. More info here.
- Reserve by Limbo: This plugin adds a text effect to your screens.
- Key by akx: Read keystrokes from the keyboard, can be used for hotkey plugin.
- Width by Reverse Engineered: Allows you to format a string such that it takes up an exact width.
- My IP by krisp: This plugin gets data from
- Screen Man by IFR: Change screens even if you don't have focus on LCD Smartie window.
- Word By Word by Limbo: Gives ability to display a text word by word.
- Escalate by Limbo: This plugin can be used to switch on and back off the backlight when the winamp title is changed.
- BBC Weather Forecast by jamesdoz: Weather info from BBC.
- Perf Monitor Unofficial by josenk: Performance monitor data plugin
- Formating by Jumpin' Jon: Allows the output from other plug-ins for be formatted to better suit the small size of LCDs.
- Conditional Display by AlexV: It looks at the first parameter, and if it is not empty, or 0, returns the contents of the second parameter.
- Registry Reader by AlexV: Reads values from registry.
- Hotkey by smack: Gives global hotkeys to LCD Smartie.
- Split At by akx: It split a string and only show part(s) with custom start and end pointers.
- Change Case by Limbo: Change any text to upper, lower or proper case!
- Scrolling Text by IFR: Scroll your text like winamp title style. Right to left and vise versa.
- Hold n Scroll by Limbo: Keep a text steady and scroll part of a line!
- Textwriter by Limbo: Displays text letter by letter, giving a sense of typing.
- Round by Limbo: Rounds numbers.
- Animate by _X7JAY7X_: lets you "animate" any characters, up to 8.
- Text Uncover by _X7JAY7X_: It "uncovers" text starting in the middle of the screen then spans outward. When it gets to the edges of the screen it starts back over.
Config files/Screen ideas
Smartie comes with a config file that includes a few demo screens - but
many of these will need adjusting for your screen size. Many plugins
also come with their own demo config file with demo screens.
Share/View other screen ideas here. [ moved to our forums ]
Misc downloads
- Demo plugin source code in several computer languages: available from the "Writing Plugins" page.
- The last release by BasieP (the orginal author) was 5.2 (dated 13-4-2003). You can download this release.
- LCD Smartie
- port95nt.exe: Needed if you're using a parallel LCD.