LCD Smartie


New releases mailing list

If you want to be informed when a new release of LCD Smartie is available then please subscribe to the lcdsmartie-releases mailing list:
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Latest official release

The latest offical release is 5.4 (dated 18 March 2007). Download. [Release Notes] [source code pending]

[ All releases ]

Latest beta release

The latest beta is: (dated 8 Jun 2011).. This release has few bug fixes and more interface impoovements. Download. [Release Notes Are Currently not available]


Display Drivers - these have been made since the last official release of LCD Smartie

These display plugins will only work on Smartie 5.4 and above. The drivers are zipped versions of the display DLL. These drivers should be copied into the displays folder, and when Smartie is restarted, the drivers will become available in the setup screen.

If you have problems using the display drivers please go to the LCD Smartie forum for help.


Official plugins - made by the Smartie team

Some of these plugins will only work on Smartie 5.3 and above.

If you have problems using the plugins please read this thread.

Broken link? report it here


Other plugins (note: there are more plugin available for download in our forums)

Interfacing plugins

The following plugins provide LCD Smartie with data from other programs

Utility plugins

Config files/Screen ideas

LCD Smartie comes with a config file that includes a few demo screens - but many of these will need adjusting for your screen size. Many plugins also come with their own demo config file with demo screens.
Share/View other screen ideas here. [ moved to our forums ]

Misc downloads Logo
Last change: $Author: fast351 $ $Date: 2007/04/02 13:29:21 $ $Revision: 1.62 $
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